3 Mayıs 2014 Cumartesi

Reading ( The haunted house)

Course progress
hello everybody!,
We would like to help you to improve reading skill so when you follow our course progress step by step, we hope you will get more advantages.
1. Step
We have a reading elementary level passage. Teacher should read it to learners but if you are alone we have a opportunity for you!
You can easily listen it, speech record waits for you.
2. Step 
You read! but is there any words you dont remember or know? We help you with vocabulary section. You can learn new words and understand passage clearly.
3. Step 
Do you understand the passage? let’s see. There are some question for you. 
4. We thought that we did not like the ending part of the passage. Could you finish it with you imagination? now you have that chance. Finish the ending as to our instruction with totally your creativity in Writing section
enjoy it and thank you! 

The Haunted House

Although the house needed decoration and repair, the Longs decided to buy it. It was rather big, the price was very low and it was in the centre of London. Both Mr. and Mrs. Long had jobs in the city, so this was important. There was also a good school nearby for their six-year-old daughter, Jane, to go to.  Some time later, they learnt about the owner of the house and the terrible things that happaned there. 
     The first sign of trouble came just before they moved in. The workmen who did the redecoration refused to workk in the house after dark. " I am frightened", one of them said. Then, when the Longs started living in the house, they notices that the rooms were cold, even though it was the middle of a warm summer. Their daughter began waking up in the middle of the night, screaming. She said she could hear strange voices and that they belonged to dead people. The voices told her that somebody had killed them in the house and buried their bodies in the garden. 
    "At first we thought she was just having nightmares, but then my husband and I heard strange noises, as well, "Mrs. Long says
Sometimes, they both heard more than stange noises. "One night, just before George and I went to bed, we heard a woman's voice that seemed to come from nowhere. It said only a few words ' No, no! Stop!' 
But we both heard it very clearly", Mrs Long says.  
Shortly after this Mrs Long learnt from a neighbour more about the history of the house. It belonged to Gordon Taplow, who hanged himself in prison.
They say that he murdered three women in the kitchen of the house and disremembered their bodies. Then he buried the various pieces of the bodies in different parts of the garden.
After his arrest and death in 1959, many people bought and sold the house several times, but nobody ever lived in it for very long.Months, and even years, passed without anybody living in it all. Mr. and Mrs. Long think that they know the reason for this. "Although nobody has found the bodies of the three women in the garden, he must have buried them somewhere. Therefore the house is haunted by their ghosts. my husband and ı are not superstitious but what other possible explanation is there?"

Vocabulary Section

Find the words 
  •  If something is broken or damaged and you ........ it, it's not broken anymore.
  • The amount of money you need to pay to buy something ' ..........'
  • close; not far. it is a proposition .............
  • Unusual or odd......................
  •  person plans to hurt or kill somebody and they kill somebody............
  • when the police catch someone............................
  • (a ghost) visits and appers (the place)................................
  •  the words used to tell somebody how to do something or the reason for something ...................................
now we have some questions for you.
  1. 'dismember' probably means .....................:
a) wash carefully
b) tie with clothes
c)lock in a room
d) cut into pieces

     2. 'superstitious' people...............................:
a) usually buy historical houses
b) believe in ghosts and haunted places
c) find a possible explanation for strange events
d) want to know everything about their neighbours

Mark the best choice.

1. The Long family wanted to buy the house because .......:
a) Jane didn't want to go to school
b) it needed decoration and repair
c) of its size, cost and position
d) it was a haunted hause
2. One night Mr. and Mrs. Long heard ..........................:
a) some strange noises only
b) a stange and clear voice
c)noises from kitchen 
d) a neighbour screaming 
3. Which of the following is true about Gordon Taplow? 
a) His ghost appeared in the house
b) He sold the house in 1959
c)He lived in the house with three women
d) he committed suicide
4.Which of the following is not true? 
a) Working in the house after dark frigntened the workmen
b)Jane heard dead people's voices and woke up screaming
c)Nobody bought the house after the death of the three women
d) The rooms were cold in the middle of a warm summer. 
5. -She was just having nightmares' probably means she was......:
a) seeing terrible events in her dreams.
b) not able to get to sleep
c)telling stories that she heard from her friends
d)producing strange voices and making noise
good luck  :)

Let's Change The Ending.
  • Write your ending. How would you finish the story?
  • Suppose that you are Mr or Mrs Long also their daughter, What would you do?
  • suppose that you are new owner!
  • we are waiting for your ideas!

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